Dr. Claudia Cottrell submitting her candidacy for a position on the IVCA Management Committee.

We are very happy that Dr. Cottrell is willing to offer her time and knowledge for IVCA and the profession, and has put forward her candidacy for a position on the MC that will be voted on the AGM. Here is in her own word some of her background:

“For 20 plus years I owned my human chiropractic practice, and was licensed in Arizona, Wisconsin, Washington, Illinois, and Minnesota U.S. I have been in Minnesota practicing for the last 18 years, the last 7 years as an animal chiropractor. I am a graduate of Northwestern Health Sciences University (Doctor of Chiropractic) and of Options for Animals School of Animal Chiropractic. My practice has been strictly animals, and I love it! My clients include equine, canine, and feline, plus a random additional species here and there. My practice has been quite good, in fact, October of this year was my biggest income month ever!

Being on a governing board as such looks appealing to me at this time. There is much to be done in this growing field of animal chiropractic. And we need to uphold the professional requirements to make sure that we represent excellence in this field of study.

One of my biggest frustrations has been having to acquire referrals from the veterinarians. For the most part, it is no problem, but I have encountered a few vets who refuse to cooperate for one reason or another. This is frustrating for my potential clients and myself, especially when I know how much chiropractic would help the animal(s) in question. I realize this is my state’s law, but other states require this as well. And I realize this may not be an area that is of concern to the IVCA, but perhaps there is something we can do to emphasize the professional status of chiropractors, like myself, who have invested many years in chiropractic school, plus the post graduate course to allow us certification to work on animals. On the other hand, having to send my reports to the vets has allowed me to educate them on the effectiveness of chiropractic care for our mutual clients. This has been valuable as now several vets in my area directly refer their clients to me, rather than us having to request referrals of them. So we are making progress!

I respectfully submit my candidacy for a position on the MC board of the IVCA, and I look forward to the AGM in Dublin!”
Dr. Claudia Cottrell
Hermantown, Minnesota, USA
