What does CPD mean?
IVCA Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
IVCA members are encouraged to keep up to-date with developments in Veterinary Chiropractic and consequently offer the best possible treatment to their patients.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a learning and developmental process. Application of knowledge gained via CPD helps development of the Veterinary Chiropractic profession.
A list of educational establishments that provide IVCA approved CPD courses can be found here.
Re-attending or auditing any of the approved schools basic course modules can be counted as CPD and is an excellent way to review techniques, the latest research etc.
To maintain clinical competency certification and member status with the IVCA, 30 hours of professional continuing education every three years are required.
IVCA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Summary Form
All IVCA members need to complete and return the IVCA CPD Summary Form detailing how they have met the 30-hour requirement. Copies of certificates of attendance and completion of all CPD events MUST be enclosed with this form. For the renewal of your certification, you will need to send us certificates. Invoices or script CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED as proof of attendance. Please, remember at the end of your webinar to directly ask for a real proof of attendance, so that we can consider it for your next renewal period.
Failure to completely fulfill this requirement will result in the suspension or removal of IVCA membership/IVCA certification.
Advanced seminars
Specialty technique courses such as Logan basic, Sacral Occipital Technique (SOT), Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) and Applied Kinesiology (AK) are available as well as advanced chiropractic technique or advanced chiropractic neurology courses.
Plus any IVCA Conference and AGM
See what counts as CPD for more information.
Personal Learning
A maximum of 10 hours may be completed by:
Learning on one’s own (e.g. reading articles, accessing the Internet, practice-based research).
Attending professional courses, conferences, seminars (i.e. chiropractic courses for veterinarians or veterinary courses for chiropractors).
Observing another IVCA certified doctor of either profession out in practice.

IVCA Requirements to Maintain Membership
All IVCA members are required to complete 30 hours of CPD every 3 years (effective from the member’s year of certification or from January 1st 2012 if not certified) in order to keep up the IVCA membership.
The CPD must be relevant to the member as an animal chiropractor, and needs approval by the IVCA, Ten of the 30 hours of CPD, needs to be approved as specific animal chiropractic CPD. See What counts as CPD