IVCA Management Committee Members
All the committee members work on a voluntary basis and are elected at the IVCA AGM after they put themselves forward for the committee. All members of the committee are either Veterinary Surgeons or Chiropractors who have trained at one of the IVCA recognised schools. The committee members generally work full time in practice and give their spare time to meet all the commitments of the IVCA.
Victoria McKinney, DC
Victoria was born in USA, and got her DC degree at The National College of Chiropractic, graduating in 1996. She qualified as an animal chiropractor by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association in 1997. Her main interest is equine chiropractic, but she has a mixed practice also treating dogs and humans in Donegal, Ireland where she has lived for more than 20 years. Victoria was elected as a member of the MC at the AGM in Florence for two years from 2018.
Dr. Roberta Basile, DVM
Brazil Eng MV Dr. Roberta Basile, Veterinarian graduated and Ph.D. in Veterinary Clinical Medicine from UNESP Jaboticabal. Postdoctoral researcher in Equine Neurology at FMVZ USP. Specializations in Equine and Small Animal Neurology and Neurosurgery, Equine and Small Animal Orthopedics, Pain Neuroscience by UFSCAR, and Veterinary Acupuncture. Civil Engineer from USP with a Master’s in Aeronautics from ITA. IVCA Chiropractor Certified. Equitape Certified. FEI Equine Therapist Certified. Deutscher Tierheilpraktiker. Former professor of Equine Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Diagnostic Imaging, and Equine Studies at Universidade Brasil, Unicep, and Veterinary Rehabilitation at Unifaj and Max Planck. Author of the book Universe of Pain in Animals. Six years of experience in Veterinary Neurology and twelve years in pain therapy for small animals and horses, she runs a specialized clinic in neurology, neurodiagnosis, neurosurgery, and animal rehabilitation in Araraquara – Neurointegra.Marion Thurner, DVM
Marion graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna in 1994. She finished the veterinary chiropractic course at Options in Illinois in 2003. She has been in the Exam Committee of the IVCA from 2006 on and is mostly responsible for the exams in Kansas. She has 20 years of experience in equine medicine but is now doing full-time veterinary chiropractic on horses.
Jennifer Henrickson, DC
Dr. Henrickson is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in Maryland and Colorado and is IVCA certified in animal chiropractic. She is a Palmer College of Chiropractic graduate (IA) and a graduate of the Options for Animals Chiropractic College (KS). She earned her Bachelor’s degree from the University of
Iowa, and earned her Master of Business Administration (Management) degree from the University of Mary (ND). In addition to her practice, she served as adjunct faculty in the Biology
Department at Front Range College (CO) and a guest lecturer in the Kinesiology Department at Colorado State University. Over the years Dr. Henrickson specialized in creating corporate fitness programs and working with athletic teams to educate competitive athletes in injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, and clinical nutrition. Dr. Henrickson currently sees her animal chiropractic patients at VCA Columbia Animal Hospital, serving the greater Washington D.C./ Baltimore metro area.