Frequently Asked Questions
These are the questions that are most often asked by clients. The answers should help to better understand veterinary chiropractic.
How many treatments will my animal require?
This question must be answered on an individual basis for each patient. In most cases, a single treatment is not enough to eliminate the problem. Most animals show significant improvement after 1 to 4 treatments. Chronic problems usually take longer to resolve requiring more chiropractic treatment, whereas animals with acute problems often respond more quickly.
The goal of chiropractic treatment is to address neurological dysfunction in the spine and restore mobility. It is then the task of muscles and ligaments to support the spine and maintain this new realigned position.
This process and the role of the chiropractor is similar to that of an orthodontist. The orthodontist applies a brace to the teeth and over a period of time makes regular adjustments and corrections to realign the teeth, so that in time they will maintain their correct position. A chiropractor will also adjust and correct the animal a number of times, until the body accepts the new position of the spine as normal and the muscles and ligaments support and maintain this position.
How long will a treatment take?
The initial consultation and first treatment (usually between 30-60mins) tends to take longer than subsequent visits as a detailed case history, examination etc. is undertaken. Subsequent treatments are usually shorter (between 20-40 mins) depending on the veterinary chiropractor’s findings.
Will veterinary chiropractic treatment hurt my animal?
A chiropractic adjustment is a very specific, low force quick thrust along the plane of the joint that helps to get the joint moving again. Adjustments influence bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. They do not hurt your animal. Only subluxated vertebrae are adjusted.
How can a veterinary chiropractor adjust something the size of a horse?
Even though horses have a very large, thick muscle mass over the spine the vertebral joints are flexible and relatively easy to manipulate with minimal force. If the correct technique is used the ligaments are not adversely affected.