CPD Summary Form

The IVCA requires members to complete and demonstrate evidence of 30 hours of learning every 3 years.

This can be taken in many forms but must consist of a minimum of 20 hours of further education on IVCA approved courses or seminars.

Ten hours of this must cover the subject of animal chiropractic and the other 20 hours can be completed with other relevant veterinary/chiropractic continuing education. This means that at least 10 hours must develop you specifically as an animal chiropractor. Since we are two professions coming together in animal chiropractic this means that the same course may have different potential for development. Continue education that only fulfils CPD in your original profession will not as a rule be accepted for CPD in animal chiropractic. That is, a human chiropractic course for chiropractors, and a regular veterinary course for veterinarians. But a chiropractic course for a veterinarian and reverse for a chiropractor may be accepted for CPD in animal chiropractic.

Any course given by an IVCA accredited basic course provider is preapproved for CPD in animal chiropractic. The basic course before the IVCA examination cannot be counted as CPD. A retake of any module is valid CPD in animal chiropractic. Other preapproved courses will be announced on our webpages. It will be informed on the webpage if they are approved for CPD in animal chiropractic or approved for general CPD. Since we can’t know every course that is relevant for animal chiropractic, one can get approval CPD by sending in course description/program with the CPD summary form. Just keep in mind that it should be animal chiropractic related. If in doubt, please ask before taking the course.

CPD without proof of attendance (certificates, list of attendance etc.) CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED.

10 hours of learning on your own can be accepted. This could be preparing for a speech about animal chiropractic, reading articles related to animal chiropractic, and so on. Please specify the nature of activity and time used i.e. name of article read, date of speech held.

After 3 years of the IVCA certification, it is stated in the association bylaws that each animal chiropractor must have completed these 30 hours of CPD.

In each 3-year time frame, the animal chiropractor must be able to demonstrate a further 30 hours of CPD, and so on, for the certification and membership to continue.
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    Minimum 30 hours
    Confirmation of CPD(Required)
    I confirm that this summary sheet is a fair and true representation of my activities in relation to these last 3 years. I have spent the number of hours as outlined above learning to satisfy the IVCA requirement of 30 hours CPD in this 3 year time frame.
    Data Privacy(Required)
    We will only use the information submitted in this form to make contact with you regarding your enquiry or membership status or to pass your details to third parties enquiring about your certification and membership status. Your details will be stored securely. Please tick the box to confirm you are happy with this. If you would like us to delete your personal information at any point in the future, please email us on contact@ivca.de. If we delete your personal information, please note that we will no longer be able to contact you about IVCA events and news/information and some of this information may be necessary to hold an IVCA membership or certification.